A faith-based, non-profit organization whose mission is to provide practical and community based pathways to help adults flourish and build purpose and resilience in the legacy building season of their lives.

  • Physical Frailty

    Often characterized by the decline in muscle mass, strength, and sensory function that is common as we age. We believe our local faith community can help people build physical resilience in unique and powerful ways. We have already proven we can do this through our daily aerobics classes that are averaging 30-40 people. We can do this at a larger scale.

  • Nutritional Frailty

    A form of physical frailty that can impact every other area of resilience. As individuals age, they often experience a decrease in appetite or a lack of access to proper nutrition, which can exacerbate other types of frailty. We believe we can help people build nutritional health and resilience. We are already proving we can do this. Last month we served over 800 free meals through Kaufman Connect.

  • Psychological Frailty

    This include symptoms of depression, anxiety, and discouragement often brought on by changes, crisis, or the losses in life. There are things we know we can do to help people develop emotional and psychological resilience. This has happened through what we are already doing and we can see a path to become better at this.

  • Cognitive Frailty

    This occurs when there is memory loss, difficulty with concentration and attention, language issues, communication problems, and decreased processing speed. There are things we know we can do to help people build cognitive resilience. Again, we already are fighting this and again, we can take big steps forward to do more.

  • Social Frailty

    Manifests as social isolation, loneliness, and a lack of social support which is also common among aging populations. There are things we can do to fight loneliness and isolation…to build social resilience. No one can do this better than the church.

  • Religious Frailty

    Often experienced through a loss of connection with God, a religious community, and the rituals and experiences that have long brought spiritual strength to the sick or hurting. We know how to help people connect with God and build religious resilience. Very few churches in Kaufman County care about this. But we do.

On Sunday, Pastor Brent shared a compelling vision for a new ministry initiative for our church family. If you weren’t in the first service, you should make time this week to listen through the sermon on our YouTube channel, YouTube.com/fbckaufman.

Pastor Brent began by reminding us of the great needs of mature adults in our community and the important steps we have taken over the past few years to meet those needs in new and innovative ways. He then outlined a new initiative we are calling FBCWellness. 

FBCWellness will be a robust expansion of Kaufman Connect that we believe will grow to meet the physical, spiritual, and emotional needs of thousands of “legacy building” adults over the age of 60 in Kaufman County in a way that no one is able to do today. Our goal is to establish a faith-based non-profit like Promiseland or The Center which will focus on this unique ministry need in Kaufman County.

Much work has already been done, but important steps are just ahead. We left with the goal of raising $50,000 in seed money to help get this new ministry off the ground. Much of the work has and will be done by volunteers, but there are professional services surrounding the establishment of a new 501 (c) 3, health care professional consultation, and insurance/liability issues which are a part of the next steps of our journey. Alicia and I will make a contribution and I hope you will do the same. 

As of this morning, we have already raised $53,000. Our hope is to raise the remaining funds before June 1. If you can give a special gift to help us move this forward, please do.

Thank you for your generosity in all things,

Jason Thurston

Stewardship Pastor

For more information, contact

Paula Dunn

Pastor of Community Outreach pdunn@fbckaufman.org